China Glaze OMG Flashback (summer 2018)


2 weeks ago, I posted China Glaze’s original 2008 OMG collection.  China Glaze just released a 10-year anniversary collection named OMG Flashback, featuring 6 re-releases of the original 12 shades.  This isn’t the first time China Glaze has re-released a collection.  In 2009, they re-released the 2001 collection Wizard of Ooh Ahz.  What I love about China Glaze’s re-releases is that they actually TRY to emulate the originals (looking at YOU, Essie, for that horrendous 2016 Retro Revival collection, and OPI for that lackluster 2009 Colorcopia collection).

China Glaze OMG Flashback - 2NITE.jpg







So how do they compare to the originals?  Funny you should ask…

2NITE (2008 on index and middle fingers, 2018 on ring and pinky fingers)

China Glaze OMG Flashback - BFF comparison.jpg

BFF (2008 on index and middle fingers, 2018 on ring and pinky fingers)

DV8 (2008 on index and middle fingers, 2018 on ring and pinky fingers)

IDK (2008 on index and middle fingers, 2018 on ring and pinky fingers)

OMG (2008 on index and middle fingers, 2018 on ring and pinky fingers)

TTYL (2008 on index and middle fingers, 2018 on ring and pinky fingers)

The 2018 formula is a lot more opaque than the original, thus easier to apply.  The problem with the 2008 formula is that it’s extremely thin, making you wait for each coat to dry to avoid streaking.  The holographic effect in the 2018 collection is finer than the original, resulting in a brighter effect.

Overall, I’m impressed with OMG Flashback.  One complaint about China Glaze is how subsequent holographic collections (Tronica, Hologlam) were less prismatic than OMG.  However, with OMG Flashback, they improved the formula and refined the holographic effect, which surprised me.  Hey, Essie and OPI…THIS is how you recreate a collection!
