My life is one big guilty pleasure. I love UGGs, Lululemon yoga pants, celebrity gossip blind items, pop music and most of all, trashy books. My all-time favorite writer is Jackie Collins, the queen of "trash lit"; books filled with scandals and sex. I relished in the tales about mafia princess Lucky Santangelo and Hollywood wives. My friends are literary nerds at the deep end, while I wallow in the kiddie pool of fame and excess.
While in college, I discovered the Gossip Girl series. While it's not quite as salacious as Jackie's books, I loved the snark from the mysterious eponymous narrator. Reading about over-the-top lifestyles is one of my favorite ways to escape mundane, everyday life. Most of my friends described me similar to the the main lead, Blair, due to my tenacity and restlessness, although I felt like Serena when it came to my romantic life, attracting guys but never able to hold one down.
Blair (two coats): peachy pink holographic
Georgina (two coats): vampy fuchsia holographic
Jenny (two coats): charcoal gray holographic
Lilly (two coats): icy blue holographic
Serena (two coats): cerulean blue holographic
Vanessa (two coats): pale yellow-green holographic
I just came to the conclusion that Gossip Girl is Sex and the City Jr., with both set in New York City and trend-setting for their respective eras.
Do you have any guilty pleasures?