As promised months ago, I've finally swatched the original Essie Neon collection. This collection was released shortly after Chanel came out with their Robertson Boulevard exclusives.
Bermuda Shorts (2 coats): neon orchid pink/purple creme
Bermuda Shorts (with top coat): I added top coat because I was told by someone that the color seems to change with it. It looks more vibrant.
Mini Shorts (2 coats): searing orange neon creme
Short Shorts (2 coats): hot neon pink creme
Shorty Pants (3 coats): bright lemon yellow creme
While I have a weakness for Chanel, I prefer the Essie Neon collection due to the formula and colors. The Robertson Chanels are notorious for the finicky formula, but 3 out of the 4 Essies apply smoothly with ease. Shorty Pants was trickier to work with, no surprise for a yellow polish.